Saturday, November 15, 2014

New version of Java Comment Preprocessor (5.3.4) is out

I have published on Maven central, the new 5.3.4 version of Java Comment Preprocessor. Minor bugfixing, minor improvements mainly in the maven related part, mainly added feature to clear preprocessed generated folders from maven and preprocess test folders.

Friday, October 31, 2014

JRebel NetBeans Plugin nightly build

ZeroTurnaround has created special page where the nightly build of JRebel plugin for NetBeans can be dosnloaded
the link to the page

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Java Binary data parsing and packing

 I have published "yet another Java framework to parse and pack binary blocks"  (because I am too lazy to write tons of lines for different cases), I wanted some small compatible with JavaSE and Android solution so that meet the JBBP (Java Binary Block Parser).

Friday, July 11, 2014

Two more OSS projects

Started two more OSS projects
JHexed - a small hexagonal Java based engine + Editor
JBBP - a small framework to parse binary blocks in Java

Saturday, April 12, 2014

JRebel and NetBeans

I have been working in ZeroTurnaround OU and one of items under my responsibility - the JRebel plugin for NetBeans platform. For snapshot versions of the plugin I have opened  the shared folder and early snapshots of the plugin can be found in the folder .

PROL is now an OSS project

I had got a request from a Japan graduate student to open sources of my Prol engine (it is a small Prolog engine written in Java with embedded GUI editor), so that now it is an OSS project under Apache License 2.0
If you are going to use the engine then please keep in mind that it was developed for academic purposes and to check some ideas and tested not very well.